pclib  3.0.0
Lightweight PHP framework
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CAbstractDriverBase class for database driver
 CMysqlDriverMySQL database driver
 CPdoDriverAbstract PDO database driver
 CPdoMysqlDriverPDO mysql database driver
 CPdoSqliteDriverSQLite database driver
 CPgsqlDriverPostgreSQL database driver
 CActionIt encapsulates call of the controller's action: $controller->method($params)
 CAppParamsCan by used as $app->params service, for user editable configuration parameters stored in database
 CAutoloaderSimple autoloading of the classes
 CBaseObjectAncestor of all pclib classes
 CAppGives global access to web application
 CAuthUserProvides access to user account, user roles and permissions
 CControllerBase class for any application controller
 CDbSimple database wrapper
 CDebuggerProvides API for variable dumps, stack trace and profiling
 CFileStorageProvides file management functions
 CGridPagerProvides paginator calculations and rendering of the grid pager
 CLoggerThis class offers fast and space-saving database logger
 CRequestProvides unified access to HTTP request
 CRouterTranslates URL to instance of Action class
 CTplTemplate engine
 CFormCreate and manage forms
 CGridDisplaying tabular data in table layout
 CLayoutTemplate extended with 'head' tag, allowing add links to *.js and *.css files
 CTranslatorTranslate strings to another language
 CTreeDisplay tree structure
 CTemplateFactoryTemplate factory
 CTplGlobalsAdd variables or new element types globally for all templates
 CModelBase class for any application model
 CSelectionSelection of records in database
 CRelationIt represents related record(s) of the Model
 CAuthBaseBase class for most classes of authorization system
 CAuthProvides authentication and authorization support
 CAuthHttpHttp authentication
 CAuthConsoleExecute auth console commands, see execute() method
 CAuthManagerAuth entities (users,roles,rights) management
 CElementsDefElements definitions
 CErrorHandlerCatch errors and exceptions and show improved error messages
 CTplParserParse pclib template with pclib-elements code
 CValidatorBaseBase class for any pclib Validator
 CValidatorValidator with common validation rules
 CAuthDbStorageDefault Auth storage
 CLoggerDbStorageThis class is responsible for reading/writing of the log
 CTranslatorDbStorageDefault Translator storage
 CDebugBarShow DebugBar in your web-application
 CEventRepresentation of particular event
 CEventManagerEvent manager provides possibility to register event listeners and trigger events
 CExceptionBase class for all pclib exceptions, allowing message with placeholders suitable for translation
 CGridFormJust like grid, but you can use form tags: input, select, check, etc
 CPclibPclib initialization and autoloading
 CStrString utilities for utf-8 strings