/* project: TRANSLATOR, file: index.php */
/* Current language is stored in session. */
//Include pclib framework
require 'pclib/pclib.php';
//Create pclib application
$app = new PCApp('demo');
$datasource = 'pdo_mysql://user:password@localhost/test';
$app->db = new PCDb($datasource);
//Enable multilanguage support. We use variable $tr for convenience.
$tr = new PCTranslator('demo');
//Register translator as default application translator service.
$app->translator = $tr;
//If you enable autoupdate, db-table will be filled with texts automatically.
//$tr->autoupdate = true;
//Set selected language
if (isset($_GET['lang'])) $tr->language = $_GET['lang'];
//Load texts in selected language. Text can be separated in pages, so you can
//load only texts which are needed. Texts are stored in db-table TRANSLATOR.
//You can translate texts in php code...
print $tr->translate('Text for translation.<br>');
print $tr->translate("Currently selected language: %s<br>" , array($tr->language) );
print $tr->translate("Language prefered by browser: %s<br>", array($tr->getClientLang()));
/* In template all labels are translated by default.
And you can cover any multilanguage text in template with mls tag,
so it will be tranlated too.
$form = new PCForm('tpl/examples/multilang.tpl');
if ($form->submitted and $form->validate()) {
$app->message('Form has been sent.');
print $form;