class form name "orderform" route "examples/orderform"
input CUSTOMER_NUMBER lb "Customer number:" pattern "\w{3}-\d{4}" hint "Format: AAA-9999" required
select PRODUCT lb "Choose product:" query "select ID,productName,productLine from PRODUCTS order by productLine,productName" required
select SHIPPING lb "Shipping:" datasource "orders/shipping"
input AMOUNT number range "1..100" lb "Number of products: (max. 100)" default "1"
input IMAGE file "*.jpg;*.gif;*.png" size_mb "0.1" lb "Attachment: (Image, max. 100kb)"
text COMMENT lb "Comment:" size "50x4" maxlength "50" hint "Max. 50 characters allowed."
message AMOUNT.number text "Insert number from 1 to 100" skip
message AMOUNT.range text "Insert number from 1 to 100" skip
action CART_INFO route "orders/cartinfo" skip
button submit lb "<b>Purchase</b><br>selected products"
button btn_products lb " Catalog..." glyph "fa fa-bus" href "https://pclib.brambor.net/?r=examples/irun&name=shopgrid" popup
button delete lb "Button with confirm dialog" confirm "Cancel order?"
<h2>Orderform demo</h2>
<div class="message">{CART_INFO}</div>