/* project: Search grid, file: searchgrid.php */
/* We want remember sorting and filtering. It will be stored in session. */
//Include pclib framework
require 'pclib/pclib.php';
//Create pclib application
$app = new PCApp('demo');
$datasource = 'pdo_mysql://user:password@localhost/test';
$app->db = new PCDb($datasource);
/* Template parameters are remembered in sessform & sessprod session variables */
$searchForm = new PCForm("tpl/examples/searchform.tpl", "sessform");
$products = new PCGrid ("tpl/examples/products.tpl", "sessprod");
if ($searchForm->submitted) {
$products->filter = $searchForm->values;
if ($searchForm->submitted == 'showall') {
$products->filter = $searchForm->values = null;
/* Parameters in square brackets are replaced with values from grid->filter array.
If value in grid->filter is empty, line of the query is omitted. */
"select * from PRODUCTS where 1
~ and productLine = '{productLine}'
~ and productName like '{productName}%'
~ and productCode like '{productCode}%'"
if (isset($_GET['export'])) {
print $searchForm;
print $products;