These attributes can be used in any form template tag.
- lb "string" - Text description of the element. Use {} for printing.
- required - Form element is required (must be non-empty)
- size "n" - Size of form element. "n" is number or "size/maxlength" or matrix e.g. "10x20"
- nosave - Element will not be saved into database
- noedit - Element is read-only
- onvalidate "func" - Replace default validation of the element with user defined function. See PClib callback functions.
- html5 - Enable html5 for particular element
- format "nhHulsf" - Enable preformating for particular element
- hint "string" - Create html5 placeholder atribute
- html_* - Any string with prefix "html_" is considered to be html attribute of generated html tag. Ex: input TEST html_class "test" html_style "width:100%"
In addition you can use Common attributes of template tags too.
You can use following tag modificators:
- {} Print label of element
- {TAGNAME.err} Print error message, if field TAGNAME has not valid value. It is set by function Form->validate()
- {errors} Print all error messages of the form. It is set by function Form->validate()