List of bugs and feature requests
Task | Kind | Priority | Status | Created | Lastmod*) | Price | Assigned to |
All search fields should be combined by AND, if th... | BUG | Normal | In progress | 09. 08. 2006 | 09. 08. 2006 | 0,00,- | davidk |
New attchments are not listed | Feature | Normal | Finished | 02. 08. 2006 | 02. 08. 2006 | 50,20,- | davidk |
In tables of cars Kilometerstand always shows &quo... | BUG | Normal | Finished | 31. 07. 2006 | 31. 07. 2006 | 0,00,- | davidk |
Further defects/changes in the form of Fahrzeugdat... | Feature | Normal | Finished | 31. 07. 2006 | 31. 07. 2006 | 640,00,- | davidk |
Saving new images or attachments does not work. Er... | BUG | Normal | Finished | 31. 07. 2006 | 31. 07. 2006 | 0,00,- | davidk |
*) Yellow means that item changed since your last visit.
It is not working in this simple example - LASTMOD is compared with constant date
How data in database table are stored?
In tabl.. 1 2 3 1220 2006-07-31 2006-07-31 1
Further.. 2 2 2 640 2006-07-31 2006-07-31 1
Source code: taskman.php | taskman.tpl