pclib  3.2.0
Lightweight PHP framework
Public Member Functions | Data Fields | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes
FileStorage Class Reference

Provides file management functions. More...

Inheritance diagram for FileStorage:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($rootDir)
 getFile ($loc, $withContent=false)
 Return file from location $loc. More...
 setFile ($loc, $data)
 Store file $data into location $loc (insert or update). More...
 copyFile ($path, $loc)
 Copy file from directory path $path into filestorage location $loc. More...
 deleteFile ($loc)
 Delete file into location $loc. More...
 getFiles ($loc)
 Return array of all files assigned to entity $loc. More...
 setFiles ($loc, $files)
 Store all $files into file storage and assign it to entity $loc. More...
 deleteFiles ($loc)
 Delete all files assigned to entity $loc. More...
 postedFiles ($input_id=null)
 Return array of files submitted by some form. More...
 output ($loc, $showDownload=false)
 Output file $loc (such as image or pdf) into the browser. More...
 isImage ($file)
 Check if file is image.
 fileInBlackList ($fileName)
 Test if uploaded filename mask is on the blacklist.
 getErrorMessage ($code)
 Return upload error message.
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseObject
 loadDefaults ($className=null)
 Load default parameters of class $className into object instance.
 setProperties (array $defaults)
 Set public properties of object from the array. More...
 toArray ()
 Convert object to array. More...

Data Fields

 Database table name.
 $errors = []
 If upload error occurs, this will contains error messages.
 $fileNameFormat = "{ENTITY_TYPE}_{HASH}.{EXT}"
 You can use fields: HASH,EXT,ORIGNAME,ORIGNAME_NORMALIZED,FILE_ID or any field from $entity.
 $dirNameFormat = ''
 Unused - always "/Y/n/" in this version.
 $uploadBlackList = ['*.php','*.php?','*.phtml','*.exe','.htaccess']
 Files matching patterns cannot be uploaded.
- Data Fields inherited from BaseObject
 var function() Return service object when requested with service().

Protected Member Functions

 insertFile (array $loc, array $data)
 Upload new file into filesystem and create db record.
 normalize ($filename)
 Sanitize filename. More...
 getDir ($format, $file)
 Create and return directory name where file $file will be stored. More...
 getFileName ($format, $file)
 Return filename used for storing particular $file. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BaseObject
 service ($service, $default=null)
 Try acquire $service and load it into property $this->$service. More...

Protected Attributes

 $rootDir = ''
 Path to your writable storage directory.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BaseObject
static defaults ()
 Set or retireve default parameters of the object. More...

Detailed Description

Provides file management functions.

You can upload, store, list and manage files.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

__construct (   $rootDir)
$rootDirPath to your writable storage directory.

Member Function Documentation

◆ copyFile()

copyFile (   $path,

Copy file from directory path $path into filestorage location $loc.

string$pathFull source path
int | array$locTarget location

◆ deleteFile()

deleteFile (   $loc)

Delete file into location $loc.

int | array$locFile location

◆ deleteFiles()

deleteFiles (   $loc)

Delete all files assigned to entity $loc.

int | array$loc[entity-type, entity-id]

◆ getDir()

getDir (   $format,

Create and return directory name where file $file will be stored.

It is creating and using '/Year/month/' directories by default. Parameters $format and $file are unused in current version.

◆ getFile()

getFile (   $loc,
  $withContent = false 

Return file from location $loc.

int | array$locFile location
bool$withContentReturn content of the file too

◆ getFileName()

getFileName (   $format,

Return filename used for storing particular $file.

You can setup filename format by setting attribute FileStorage->fileNameFormat.

$formatFormat string e.g. "PREFIX_{ORIGNAME_NORMALIZED}.{EXT}";
array$fileFile information (Any field can be used in $format string)

◆ getFiles()

getFiles (   $loc)

Return array of all files assigned to entity $loc.

int | array$loc[entity-type, entity-id]

◆ normalize()

normalize (   $filename)

Sanitize filename.

Replace non-ascii characters, remove diacriticts and replace whitespaces with '_'.

◆ output()

output (   $loc,
  $showDownload = false 

Output file $loc (such as image or pdf) into the browser.

int | array$locfile location (you can use integer id too)
bool$showDownloadShould browser show download dialog?

◆ postedFiles()

postedFiles (   $input_id = null)

Return array of files submitted by some form.

You can store them by function setFiles().

string$input_idIf present, it will return data from this input only
array $files List of files

◆ setFile()

setFile (   $loc,

Store file $data into location $loc (insert or update).

int | array$locFile location
array$dataFile data

◆ setFiles()

setFiles (   $loc,

Store all $files into file storage and assign it to entity $loc.

int | array$loc[entity-type, entity-id]
array$filesList of files

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: