pclib  3.2.0
Lightweight PHP framework
pclib Directory Reference



file  App.php
 Web application.
file  Auth.php
 Authentication and authorization.
file  AuthUser.php
 Class AuthUser.
file  Config.php
 PClib default configuration.
file  Db.php
 PClib database layer.
file  Debugger.php
 Debugger class.
file  EventManager.php
 Event manager.
file  FileStorage.php
 Provides file management functions.
file  Form.php
 Form management class.
file  Func.php
 PClib constants, global functions and variables.
file  Grid.php
 Displaying tabular data in table layout.
file  GridPager.php
 Grid pagination.
file  Logger.php
 Logger class.
file  Mailer.php
 Email management and sending.
file  MailMessage.php
 MailMessage class - used by Mailer.
file  pclib.php
 Global class pclib.
file  Request.php
 Http-Request class.
file  Router.php
 Application router.
file  Str.php
 String utilities.
file  Tpl.php
 PClib template engine.
file  Translator.php
 Multilanguage support.
file  Tree.php
 Display Tree structure.
file  Validator.php
 Validator with common validation rules.