For common attributes see Common form tag attributes.
- class - Global form parameters
- form - required for form template
- name "string" - Form name
- action "url" - Form tag action attribute.
- route "route" - Instead of action, you can use route. See PClib route. (*)
- jsvalid - Enable javascript validation. You must link file pclib/assets/pclib.js when using javascript validation.
- table "name" - Database table used for configuring form fields and storing form values
- get - Send form using GET method instead of default POST.
- noformtag - Do not generate <form> </form> tags
- html5 - enable html5 validation and html5 form fields
- format "nhHulsf" Enable preformatting of form values. See string "format" attribute. Ex: Do not allow inserting of dangerous html code: format "h" (It will escapes html tags, when submitted)
- use "modules" comma separated list of modules loaded into template from $app->globals service
- entity "name" Optional entity name for storing files
- input - Create INPUT tag
- size "size" | size "size/maxlength" - Set size and maxlength attributes of INPUT. Ex: size "20/100"
- password ["minlength,extrachars"] - Create INPUT TYPE="password" You can set minimal length and require non-alphanumeric characters to be present. Ex: input PASSWORD password
- file - Create INPUT TYPE="file".
- into "path" - Directory where file will be stored.
- size_mb "size" - Max. size of file allowed in MB - e.g. "1.5"
- accept "file-types" Allowed file types - see html5 attribute "accept". Ex: accept "image/*" (images only)
- hidden - Create INPUT TYPE="hidden"
- number - User input will be converted to number (each non-numeric character is removed). 'number "strict"' throw error, if input is not a number.
- email - Only correct email addresses are allowed
- date | date "fmt" - Expect date in format "fmt" and convert it to database format before saving. Format can contain d,m,y parameters - it specifies day, month and year date sections.
- color - Create html5 color selector
- range - Create html5 range selector
- text - Create TEXTAREA tag
- maxlength "number" Set maxlength attribute of the TEXTAREA
- button - Create INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT|BUTTON or <BUTTON> tag.
- href "url" - Open url when button is pressed. (*)
- route "route" - Instead of href, you can use route. See PClib route.
- popup ["params"] - Open link in popup window. (For more info see tpl tag "link" Template tags implemented by class Tpl)
- onclick "javascript" - Create input type=button with onclick attribute.
- tag - Define if use BUTTON or INPUT tag. Ex: button submit tag "button".
- confirm "question" - Show javascript confirm dialog with "question"
- radio - Create INPUT TYPE=RADIO group
- check - Create INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX or group of checkboxes
- columns "number" - Number of columns used for printing checkbox group.
- list | query | lookup - Datasource - see Common attributes of template tags
- You can use "check" even without datasource - single checkbox is created then.
- select - Create SELECT tag
- list | query | lookup - Datasource - see Common attributes of template tags
- emptylb "label" - Label for empty (unselect) option.
- noemptylb - Disable empty-label of the select element
listinput - Create html5 input with pulldown menu
(*) Note that in both attributes - route and href - you can place any template tag value since 1.5.0. Ex: href "company.php?id={ID}" {GET} or {GET.variablename} is also supported. See PClib route.
In addition you can use Template tags implemented by class Tpl too.